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Tewid 2nd Term as Palau Public Auditor

Left to right: President and First Lady Debbie Remengesau, Public Auditor and Mrs. Janet Tewid
Satrunino Tewid on April 30, 2013 was sworn-in for his 2nd term as Republic of Palau Public Auditor. Tewid who had served a 6-year term as Palau Public Auditor from 1999 to 2005, and after appointed by Chief Justice Arthur Ngiraklsong as Acting Public Auditor from 2005 to April 2013, was appointed by President Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr. for a second term. Tewid was confirmed unanimously by both houses of the Palau National Congress (Olbiil Era Kelulau).
The Public Auditor is the only position in the Republic of Palau Government that requires consent by both houses of the National Congress.
Public Auditing has been a lifetime career for Mr. Tewid who first joined the Office of the Public Auditor in 1985 as a Junior Auditor, promoted later to Senior Auditor, and then Assistant Public Auditor. He had served as Acting Public Auditor after the first Public Auditor, Mr. Thomas Bostwick, term of office ended in 1990. In 1990, Mr. James Kinchen was appointed as the second Public Auditor for the Republic of Palau and served his six-year term until 1996. Tewid was again appointed Acting Public Auditor by the Chief Justice and served in this capacity until 1999 when President Kuniwo Nakamura appointed him as the first Palauan Public Auditor in November 1999, making him the longest reigning Public Audit server in the Micronesia region.